John Lindner Clay

Welcome to my website! This site serves as a digital portfolio of my work in clay. It features what I consider to be some of my best pieces from the past twenty years. I have enjoyed experimenting with a lot of different styles and techniques over time including wheel thrown, sculptural, and hand-built pieces. I hope that you enjoy looking at my site!

I draw inspiration from these quotes by my favorite ceramic artists:

"The pots that I make are all different, but pieces of work are not isolated. Each one is part of a chain that is pulling along a slow sequence of ideas."

- Alison Britton

“My primary satisfaction comes from making the work, and my idea of success is getting it to look right. So if it looks right, if it has some kind of presence or energy, or comes alive, or has magic – those are all visual things, and it’s very hard to translate those into words.”

-Ken Price

"Clay in man, clay on the wheel
Spinning like the earth and the stars,
Man spinning the clay into stars.
Life spinning the man - LIFE."

-Bernard Leach